Miranda Ensink & Tim Sake (2020)

Can’t miss this piece by Miranda Ensink and Tim Sake. Some extra sunshine in the winter! 

Miranda Ensink / Amsterdam Signpainters
Having studied and worked as a graphic designer before she dedicated herself to sign painting. Here she can combine every aspect she loves into the work field and deal with letters, images, painting, designing, drawing, organizing and other daily fun. Together with her teammates she pushes herself forward as Amsterdam Signpainters, a sign company in The Netherlands, making hand painted signs as beautiful and effective as possible.


Tim Sake / Rotterdam Signpainters
From graphic design to calligraphy, comic lettering to graffiti, street art to illustration, letters & graphics have always played a big role in Tim Sake’s life. In 2015 he accidentally bumped into the near forgotten trade of Sign Painting, the traditional art of hand painting lettering by brush. Since then Tim’s practice can be situated between the realms of contemporary graphic design and traditional sign painting.

See more of his work at: