As you might know the theme of the first edition of Windows to the World was ‘Playing Outside’. All artists worked within this theme.
We organized an auction around our theme to support a local playground named Sint Joseph Speeltuin. The locals call it ‘Opa Speeltuin and it’s run by volunteers since 1945! We asked artists to make a drawing with the words Windows to the World and donate this drawing for the action.
And we received more than 25 pieces and we raised about €1100!!
All the works are still on view on the website. And we also painted some works on the walls and buildings of the playground.
Big thanks to all the artists and people helping out! And thanks to you for bidding and helping the playground!
The neighbourhood kids call it ‘Opa Speeltuin’ meaning Grandpa Playground because of Opa Kees, one of the managers of the playground. 100% of the money went to Opa Speeltuin!